Trade Lead Description:
Maleic anhydrideCAS No.: 108-31-6Molecular formula: C4H2O3Molecular weight: 98.058
Properties: The maleic anhydride is a kind of white granule with heavy irritant odor. Sp. gr. (solid) 1.48, m.p., 52.8, b.p 202?C, also readily sublimates. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone and slightly soluble in petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride. It is soluble in water, forming maleic acid. Use: Mainly used in production of unsaturated polyester resins. It also is used in coating, pharmacenties, agricultural insecticide, additives of oil products and plastics, surfactant, etc. It is used production of 1.4 butanediol, etc. Iris Wang
Sales manager
Tel: + 86-15100131387
Email: info@ tyxychem. com
MSN: Iris-forever@ live. com
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Posted from China - Shanxi on 21 October, 2011