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No Logo | China National Geological Materials Supply And Sales Corporation CHINA NATIONAL GEOLOGICAL MATERIALS SUPPLY AND SALES CORPORATION IS A STATE OWNED COMPANY WITH GOOD REPUTATION, REGISTERED WITH RMB18,000, 000 (USD2647058.82). NOW IT IS A VERY LARGE GOODS AND MATERIALS SUPPLIER IN CHINA WHOSE TOTAL ASSET IS MORE THA... We are regularly Selling: oilfield equipment and tools, drill collar drill pipe drilling tools, cement equipment and tools, well control equipmentbop and others, casing and tubing, drill bit, sucker rod pony rod polished rod, sub surface sucker rod, pumping units. Member since 10 November, 2009, China - Beijing | | | | China Vigor Drilling Oil Tools and Equipment Co., Ltd. China Vigor is an integral oilfield
manufacturer, supplier and technical
service company with professional
expertise in supplying the superior
downhole drilling tools and fishing
equipment which including the Dri... We are regularly Selling: 13cr l80, casting, drilling tools, forging, froundry, heavy oil, mechanical parts, rig service, sucker rod. Member since 8 August, 2013, China - Shaanxi | | | | China Vigor Drilling Tools and Equipment Co., Ltd We China Vigor Drilling is an integral
Oil service group with professional
expertise in supplying with the High
Quality Down-hole Drilling products, Fishing tools, Pipe Handling and
Lifting Equipment and Solid control
equ... We are regularly Selling: drill pipe, drill collar, stabilizer, heavy weight drill pipe, pup joint, hole opener, sucker rod, crossover, flow coupling. Member since 30 January, 2013, China - Shaanxi | | |
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