In 2001 a company was set up, soon destined to become a reference point for the engineering and earth moving sectors: MB S.p.A. MB opened up a market niche, with requests for products arriving from countries across the world, to make it a world leader in its sector. The company boasts vertical specialisation, producing jaw–action bucket crushers for excavators. A revolutionary product, with design and production entirely and intentionally bearing the “Made in Italy†mark. The direction taken by the company founders was a winning choice, marking the start of development which, thanks to ongoing innovation and technological research, has brought MB products to levels of excellence acclaimed internationally, with an annual turnover of 20,500,000 Euro. MB now exports to more than 100 countries worldwide; attentive to a sales policy able to give a prompt response to both technical and economical demands of clients, the company organisation implements an efficient and constant after-sales service with international coverage. For more information please visit our website www. mbcrusher. com We are regularly Selling: crusher bucket bf601, crusher bucket bf702, crusher bucket bf903, crusher bucket bf1204, iron separator. |