Yu Wei Handbags Factory (Hongkong Yue wai trading manufacturing Ltd), is a professional enterprise in producing various bags and cases, having over 15years experiences. our factory located in Jiangmen city, Guangdong province.
The products include: gift bags, Leisure bags, trip bags, sport bags, waist packs, Briefcases, cosmetic bags, fashional bags, advertising bags, shopping bags, non-woven bags and so on. With the unique style, rarefied materials and complicated tailoring, the products are very popular in Europe and America, and YUE WAI has favorable comments from clients.
Having the most advanced facilities and professional designs, we can also tailored-made the products according to the samples from our clients and the actual amount request, other than our own products.
Hearty welcome the new or old customers, both local and from abroad, to consult and negotiate with us. We are regularly Selling: tool bag, tote bag, travel bag, shopping bag, cosmetic bag, drawstring bag, cooler bag, promotion bag, gift bag. |