We would like to introduce ourself as an experienced breeder and exporter of top quality discus from Malaysia. We have been breeding discus fish for over 15 years and initially started exporting discus to various countries such as Taiwan, Singapore and Indonesia. Since 2005, we have been expanding our business to more countries. We have our own business partners in UK (Chenβs Discus), Italy (Pianeta Aquario), Phillipine (Pet City), Norway (Vi Nadiscus), Australia, France.
We offer more than 20 strains of discus fish ranging from common varieties to exotic discus like WHITE LEOPARD, which has won 1ST PRIZE in OPEN CATEGORY, AQUARAMA 2006. We also have won many prizes on Aquarama 2007, Duisburg 2008, UKDA show 2008, Aquafair 2008, Singapore National Show 2008 and Aquarama 2009.
Our discus farms are based in Johor, Malaysia with total capacity of 700 tanks to facilitate breeding, raising and quarantine. Nadiscus are a teamwork with We are regularly Selling: leoaprd, leopard snake, albino golden crystal, brilliant knight, melon, blue diamond, pigeon checkerboard, albino red cover, penang eruption. |