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D&B Fashions |
Throughout our site you will notice that we have
extensive selection of designer inspired replica
handbag products. These designer handbag
accessories are offered at excellent prices. When
comes to the best quality designer fashion
replicas, we are your experts. Whether you are
for a Trendy copy designer handbag or a Elegant
designer handbag inspired replica, we have just
you need. We invite you to browse our site and
find the
replica designer handbag that best suits your
style and
needs. We are regularly Selling: handbags, purses, watches, belts, brief cases, jewelry, hats, luggage, cell phones holders. We are regularly Buying: handbags, purses, watches, belts, brief cases, jewelry, hats, luggage, cell phones holders. |
Market at Tip: We always strongly recommend our members to strictly follow the traditional methods and rules of international trading before going into any deal with any party met over the internet. Such as getting prior company confirmation by phone, fax or by mail besides necessary cross checks done through the related local bodies like banks, chambers of commerce, related trade associations, etc. especially before realizing any money transaction. |
Contact Person: |
Daryl Mayfield |
Job Title: |
Owner |
Location: |
US - Florida Companies from US Trade Leads from US Products from US |
Classification(s): | Home Supplies - Handbags |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Distributor / Wholesaler More Distributors / Wholesalers... |
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