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Bagsinstock International Ltd. |
We supply from china various branded bags like lv, gucci, chanel, fendi, prada and etc. And also other branded item as watch, belt, shoes and so on. Our products are a or a quality which are sourced from our associated factories in china. All bags and other items are made as per originals with necessary details.
We have reliable couriers in china who are able to take care of shipment and custom clearance in china. For bulk goods, we have shipping agent who can provide door to door service including custom clearance in destination country.
We also provide drop shipping service. Any buyer is welcomed to place sample order to check the quality.
We look forward to any inquiry from serious buyers across the world
We have good business relations with express company here, so we can get a good price for you. We are regularly Selling: bags, gucci, handbags, luggage, lv, wallets. |
Market at TradeHolding.com Tip: We always strongly recommend our members to strictly follow the traditional methods and rules of international trading before going into any deal with any party met over the internet. Such as getting prior company confirmation by phone, fax or by mail besides necessary cross checks done through the related local bodies like banks, chambers of commerce, related trade associations, etc. especially before realizing any money transaction. |
Contact Person: |
Joyce Qiu |
Job Title: |
Marketing assistant |
Location: |
China - Guangdong Companies from China Trade Leads from China Products from China |
Classification(s): | Home Supplies - Handbags Home Supplies - Luggage & Travel Bags Home Supplies - Wallets |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Distributor / Wholesaler More Distributors / Wholesalers... |
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