We also act as indented in sourcing sports socks for the US and European buyers. We have been dealing with many US /UK brands like Soccer, Rugby, Ice Hockey killed, American football, Baseball, Basket ball, bavarion, Socks, and also maker of sports shirts, trouser, sports uniform. sports suit, in all kinds of verity and sizes. The main types of socks are sports, being made on computerized machineβs of Italian origin mainly Lonati L454JS sport sock machines, Daia 4" Needles 132 x 144 sport sock machine, makes reciprocated heel/toe (true heel) socks, 4 feed, high speed, The most common socks We have our exclusive arrangement with one of the best socks manufacturer in Sialkot (Pakistan). Apart from this we also work with other well-known manufacturerβs for our capacities. We are regularly Selling: killed socks, soccer socks, rugby socks, bavarion socks, american socks, football socks, trouser, shirt, sports suit. We are regularly Buying: yarn, cloths. |